Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fun at the Nursery

On Sunday we went to the local nursery to take pictures. We were only there an hour and I was wishing we had more time. I love this nursery. I like to take the kids there just so we can walk around all the paths. I am no sure why I never thought to take pictures here before. I am still amazed at how many wonderful places are places I go all the time.

They have stacks and stacks of pottery. They are sorted by color in to huge rows. I wish I could have taken a picture from 50 ft in the air of the rows of pottery.

The flowers are everywhere, even though this is not the best time of year for that. I loved the colors on this succulent.

This flower's shape reminded me of an ear.

We used to have a passion vine with flowers like these. When we had freezing cold winter last year (or was it two years ago?), all our passion vines died.

They have so many garden decorations. I could spent way too much money here on just statues, hanging art, fountains, etc..

It just wouldn't be a California nursery without cactus. They are such unfriendly but amazing looking plants. These little ones were quite sharp (yes, I did touch them).

See the whole set here.


Simone 1:04 AM  

what beautiful shots...sorry i missed the shoot! :(





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