Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An afternoon playing in flowers

Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted a blog entry. I have been taking so many pictures since Spring returned but my evenings have been too busy to get to putting them online.

Rewinding back to March, the girls and I spent the afternoon romping in a field of mustard flowers. All of us except Mae had a camera to take pictures (and I am sure Mae would have loved to have one too).

It was the perfect afternoon for pictures. The clouds were fluffy and with just a hint of moody springtime grey, the sky was deep blue, and the yellow flowers were everywhere.

Laura had so much fun just running though the field and doing a sort of "drive-by photography"... I guess it would be more like "run-by photography".

Autumn was taking a little more time to compose her shots.

Mae was happy just to sit in the flowers and watch them wiggle in the wind. Her paci matched the flowers too.

We had a great time and everyone got at least one picture they liked.

Here is one of Autumn's:

One of my favorites:



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