Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Desert Sunrises and Sunsets

Big Bend Sunset

I never get tired of sunrises and sunsets. The picture above is from Big Bend. It was a test shot. I was using a medium format Yashica that my dad found in his old camera equipment. We're not even sure if the camera works. The meter was not working and we did not have a hand held one so I used my 5D to meter the shot and set the Yashica the same. I have 2 more shots left to finish the roll and then I'll see if anything came out.

This is the sunrise over the Boquillas Del Carmen. The mountains are on the Mexico side of the Rio Grande.

Sunrise over Boquillas Del Carmen

In Tombstone, Arizona, we got up before sunrise one morning to take pictures of Fremont Street without all the people. I got this shot down Fremont Street just as the sun was coming up.

Tombstone, Az

Another shot of the sunset over the Chisos Mountains in Big Bend.

Sunset over the Chisos Mountains

Finally, one of the sunset and a Saguaro Cactus in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona.

Saguaro sunset


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