Sunday, January 23, 2011

How is it possible that I live here?


Can you say lucky? I can. I find myself constantly amazed and the series of circumstances that have led to me living in this beautiful place. I really can't put it in to words. Wow.

Yesterday we decided to spend the late afternoon through sunset at the beach. I brought my camera and only the wide-angle lens with a plan to get pictures emphasizing line, pattern, texture, or color. I was not disappointed.

You know when the sky looks like this in the late afternoon that it is going to be a good sunset.


I took a few images of the beach and pier but as the sun started to set it was clear the really great photos for the day were waiting about 30 minutes away.


My two youngest were too cute to not get some pictures of while I waited for the sunset.


The pier about 30 minutes before sunset and my 7 yr old playing by the water.


A view of the setting sun from under the pier.


There were probably a dozen photographers by the time the sunset colors had popped about 10 minutes after sunset. I got more than a few funny looks as they all stood there to take the shot and I laid down on my stomach in the wet sand to get mine. It was totally worth the looks, getting soaking wet, and being covered in wet sand to get this perspective of the pebbles on the beach.



Sarah Diggs 9:14 PM  

That is such an amazing shot. I love the perspective. At first i thought those little pebbles were huge boulders.

I want a copy for my wall!




These photos are not free for you to link to, republish, copy, or download just because they are on the internet. If you would like to use a photograph you see here, contact me. kamundse at gmail dot com

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