Thursday, February 07, 2008

Snowy Meadow

Another Thursday, another post. I seem to find myself posting a lot on Thursday nights. I am not sure why.

The last weekend in January we took our annual winter trip to Kings Canyon to play in the snow. As with every year before, it was breathtaking. I could take pictures of the snow all day. I suppose when you live in the snow, you get over it. I have never lived where it snows, so it has always been this magical experience to me.

We took a drive down Generals Highway towards Cedar Grove but found the road was closed at Hume Lake this year. I was not surprised since it had been raining for us for the last week straight. They do not plow that road and there had been enough snow that it was not safe anymore. I was a bit disappointed since 198 was also closed so there was no overlook in to the canyon that we could access without snowshoes or skis.

I was quickly over my disappointment when we stopped at the meadow next to the turn off for Hume Lake. It was such a peaceful sight (despite the geniuses trying to drive quads through the snow nearby).

As pretty as the trees were from a distance, I could see that close-up was even more interesting. So, I decided to brave a walk across the meadow and hoped I would not find the stream that runs through it under the snow. The snow on the pine trees was so beautiful. The pictures do not do it justice.

Near the trees the snow was much deeper and I was not wearing snow pants. I decided I had gotten my jeans wet and cold enough and walked back to the edge of the meadow.

Oh, the guys with the quads, they got the first one stuck and then got the other one stuck trying to go rescue the first one. We had an entertaining time watching them get out and wondering how long before one of them ran over another one. They also ended up getting tickets for riding off-road, which is not allowed in the park. Too bad... well not really.


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