Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time for new umbrellas

Last week we had rain almost non-stop. The first day I was happy because I know how much we need the rain. The second day I was hopeful this would mean we'll make our annual rainfall averages. The third day I was thinking if I wanted to live in Portland, I would have moved there. We decided it was time to go buy new umbrellas. When we got home we got a small window of mostly clear skies right at sunset and we decided to go play in the yard for a bit.

The top of the wooden fence around our yard had just enough standing water on it to make some nice reflections.

The girls love their new umbrellas. They whirled and twirled all around the yard with them.

I wanted to take an image of all the droplets glittering on the bare branches of our fruit trees. These did not come close to capturing how pretty it looked.

The sun had nearly set and it started sprinkling again so it was time to go inside. I think we were only outside for a half an hour. It rained the next day too. I just had to remind myself (and the girls) that we were leaving for Kings Canyon the next day (Friday) so all this rain was just making us lots of snow to play in. Friday was clear and we left for the mountains excited to see the snow... but that is for next time.


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