Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Enjoying some time at the beach between storms

I have had a few friends and relatives ask about the "horrible" weather we've been having here in California this winter. I think the news must be desperate for exciting things to cover when there is no primary happening, because the weather has not been that bad and certainly nothing compared to what the rest of the country normally has every winter. It has been raining (which is good, hopefully we'll make our average rainfalls this year) and we took some time between the storms in early January to enjoy the beach.

The storms always wash up all sorts of plants and other oddities.

After a storm is the best time to go hunting for shells and rocks.

Even though the next storm had not arrived, the surge in the surf was already hitting the beach.

Sadly, we did not end up staying long. All three kids and Tom got the flu starting with Mae that afternoon and lasting for a few days. Somehow I was spared.

As always, the whole set is on my Flickr account.



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